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04-February-2016 Thursday
The Russian Orthodox Church arranges a religious procession against influenza and SARS in Lipetsk ...

20-January-2016 Wednesday
The bombing post is not about swine flu, but about idiot people

15-January-2016 Friday
How to distinguish flu from colds and SARS

23-May-2015 Saturday
How to treat SARS if you get sick?

17-February-2015 Tuesday
got sick. the plot of the comic came to mind

20-November-2014 Thursday
Influenza and flu shot. What you need to know.

13-November-2014 Thursday
What to do with SARS. Elementary things that no one remembers or knows.

19-October-2014 Sunday
About 13 popular flu medicines and their effectiveness (Part 2)

18-October-2014 Saturday
About 13 Popular Flu Medicines and Their Effectiveness (Part 1)

09-May-2014 Friday
I caught a cold, decently so, the 6th day 37.1, weakness, sausage.

29-January-2014 Wednesday
A Potter addict friend drew an analogy with how she feels during SARS...

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