news, Religion

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15-November-2013 Friday
Allah was not divided, it happens ...

25-October-2013 Friday
Friday went well

21-October-2013 Monday
Moose Preacher

20-October-2013 Sunday
Belgian gays throw cakes at archbishop

15-October-2013 Tuesday
Good day.

11-October-2013 Friday
The Vatican burns

10-October-2013 Thursday
Syrian militants attack Christian population

03-October-2013 Thursday
Mr Bean converted to Islam

02-October-2013 Wednesday
Religion against the Olympic flame in Russia

11-September-2013 Wednesday
The smarter a person is, the less he believes in God.

25-August-2013 Sunday
Religion and football

24-August-2013 Saturday
In Britain, an Islamic channel called for the killing of those who offended Muhammad

12-August-2013 Monday
In general, everything is OK!

04-August-2013 Sunday
Russian Pirate Church founded in Russia

18-July-2013 Thursday
In Russia, the church of the pasta monster was registered?

17-July-2013 Wednesday
The Spaghetti Monster showed us the way, and we made it!

07-July-2013 Sunday
Pope asks priests to buy more modest cars

05-July-2013 Friday
The Pope spoke out against the gay lobby and asked the British bishop to speak out in support of traditional families

23-June-2013 Sunday
Either "it's high time" or "yes, don't give a shit"

11-June-2013 Tuesday

08-June-2013 Saturday
The concept of the State Duma Committee on Family Affairs

26-May-2013 Sunday
England is in danger, gentlemen!

10-April-2013 Wednesday
The bill on protecting the feelings of believers passed the first reading in the State Duma

15-March-2013 Friday
That's why he was chosen!)

03-March-2013 Sunday
Which religion is the most peaceful?

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