Нейронные сети, Technologies

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09-September-2017 Saturday
Newsletter No. 379: Artificial intelligence was taught to determine the sexual orientation of a person by his face

29-August-2017 Tuesday
The neural network completed the "Song of Ice and Fire" for George Martin

04-August-2017 Friday
The neural network was taught to come up with the names of craft beer

02-August-2017 Wednesday
Intel introduced a neural network the size of a flash drive.

15-June-2017 Thursday
The collective AI overtook the human and scored the highest score in Ms. Pac man

07-March-2017 Tuesday
Google "taught" artificial intelligence to understand Russian

22-February-2017 Wednesday
Pix2pix neural network colors sketches and photos realistically

19-February-2017 Sunday
My flight of thoughts before going to bed (as it usually happens).

21-September-2016 Wednesday
Convolutional neural networks have learned to work on neuromorphic chips

07-August-2016 Sunday
IBM has created artificial neurons with the possibility of a phase transition

21-July-2016 Thursday
A few words about the Neural Network

17-July-2016 Sunday
Successful work from the site Ostagram

13-July-2016 Wednesday
The sinister valley of neural networks

15-April-2016 Friday
The neural network has learned to think out images

23-March-2016 Wednesday
In Russia, a social neural network is being created for people with disabilities.

03-November-2015 Tuesday
Morning news for SkyNet fans...

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