The science, Paleonews

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30-May-2019 Thursday
Two new theropods, the lion and the cheetah, have been discovered in Thailand.

04-November-2018 Sunday
The discovery of the skull of a prehistoric whale has helped scientists refine theories about the transition of whales to feeding on plankton

30-October-2018 Tuesday
In the Jurassic period, an analogue of piranha lived in Germany

19-October-2018 Friday
North American sauropodomorph clarifies the origin of giant dinosaurs

28-September-2018 Friday
Jurassic sauropodomorph from South Africa told scientists how his relatives switched to walking on four, not two legs

19-June-2018 Tuesday
A tick found in an amber tomb that hit a web 99 million years ago

17-June-2018 Sunday
Paleontologist discovers the remains of the oldest African tetrapods that lived beyond the Arctic Circle

15-February-2018 Thursday
Fossilized footprints reveal how mammoths cared for their elders

09-February-2018 Friday
The death of rainforests awakened a craving for travel in four-legged animals

29-November-2017 Wednesday
Geneticists have figured out how bird feathers evolved

21-November-2017 Tuesday
Did the Tyrannosaurus rex's tiny legs serve to fight and hunt?

20-November-2017 Monday
Oxygen deficiency could indeed be the engine of evolution

10-November-2017 Friday
Scientists discover Antarctic fossil forests

20-October-2017 Friday
Saber-toothed tigers recorded as victims of Homo sapiens

19-October-2017 Thursday
Earth needs dinosaur dung

08-October-2017 Sunday
Vegetarianism is bad for sauropod brains

23-August-2017 Wednesday
A transitional link between carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs has been established

23-August-2017 Wednesday
Horned archosauromorph anticipated ceratopsians

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