Heritage, The photo

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28-July-2021 Wednesday
Psychedelic "Sovka"

28-March-2021 Sunday
Ancient wooden church, Krasnaya Lyaga, Russia. The church was built in 1655

17-September-2020 Thursday
Vietnam Hanoi

09-April-2020 Thursday
“The hardest thing when dealing with the possibility of infection is not to touch your face.”

03-March-2020 Tuesday

05-December-2018 Wednesday
Alhambra Palace, Spain. Legacy of the Muslim Nasrid dynasty (1230-1492)

28-October-2018 Sunday
Six-story mill of the merchant Barkov, Belgorod region. Built in 1914, worked right up to 2004.

14-July-2018 Saturday
Every city has its own house with a clock

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