Reward, The photo

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17-September-2020 Thursday
Vietnam Hanoi

16-August-2020 Sunday
Oh times, oh morals! "They gave me a medal for killing two people and firing me for loving one!"

09-April-2020 Thursday
“The hardest thing when dealing with the possibility of infection is not to touch your face.”

13-November-2019 Wednesday
Khrutsky, Konstantin Vikentievich\Photo from family archives.

21-June-2019 Friday
After all, an achievement

13-February-2019 Wednesday

31-January-2019 Thursday
Thank you all for the cookies!!!

13-February-2018 Tuesday
Photo of a lone atom that won first place in a science photography competition

17-October-2017 Tuesday
Thanks post!

20-July-2017 Thursday
Cup and 2 nights in 2 nights

06-July-2017 Thursday
When Rodaldo or Messi did a spring cleaning

30-July-2016 Saturday
Soviet Major with a Bulgarian award.

26-June-2015 Friday
Pulitzer Prize winning photos and the stories behind them.

07-January-2014 Tuesday
that feeling when my dog ??has more awards than me)

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