Moscow, Flash mob

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23-June-2017 Friday
On July 1, the most grandiose rock flash mob in Russia will take place in Moscow

03-February-2017 Friday
The world's first rock flash mob in the snow will be held in Moscow!

04-January-2017 Wednesday
Song flash mob: Mikhail Porechenkov in the gymnasium of St. Basil the Great!

28-December-2016 Wednesday
"Partisans" of Moscow SHOWED HOW to make song flash mobs!

28-November-2016 Monday
Trains stopped in the subway for a flash mob

28-October-2016 Friday
Nespresso kills...

07-October-2016 Friday
Tomorrow (Saturday) the third Rocknmob will take place in Moscow!

13-August-2016 Saturday
Moscow musical flashmob RocknMob#2

30-July-2016 Saturday
Flashmob in Gorky Park

07-June-2016 Tuesday
Information about Flashmob during Maxidroma2016 in Moscow

01-June-2016 Wednesday
Do they all have some kind of flash mob?

05-March-2016 Saturday
March 8 will give flowers in the subway

11-January-2016 Monday
On the subway without pants

22-September-2015 Tuesday
Cultural-mass action "I AM A PATRIOT"

04-May-2015 Monday
vanilla flash mob

20-August-2014 Wednesday
Are you ready to dance?

18-May-2014 Sunday
You're not you until you twirl!

21-January-2014 Tuesday
Need help organizing a flashmob?

26-October-2013 Saturday
Pikabushniks from Moscow, we need your help!

31-July-2013 Wednesday
Today there was a small flash mob from Oki doki and pesto cafe. Has anyone seen a herd of forks and cats ??

09-March-2013 Saturday
Flashmob in British style

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