The medicine, Ultrasound

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09-January-2018 Tuesday
The main thing is to choose the right nozzle for your sensor.

22-November-2017 Wednesday
Astronauts use Sonoscanner portable ultrasound in space

31-October-2017 Tuesday
Pocket ultrasound machine that connects to a smartphone

29-October-2017 Sunday
You work in the ultrasound room if:

29-September-2017 Friday
The cry of the soul from the ultrasound room

29-September-2017 Friday
A story from the ultrasound room or how I first saw a big baby.

23-September-2017 Saturday
My next story, as a nurse in the ultrasound room, or how I lost a friend.

11-September-2017 Monday
More about ultrasound

21-August-2017 Monday
Work in the ultrasound room

04-August-2017 Friday
The mystery of the profession - ultrasound diagnostician.

30-May-2017 Tuesday
How I love our medicine...

22-March-2017 Wednesday
An unusual question.

17-February-2017 Friday
Simple diagnosis.

23-January-2017 Monday
About the healthcare system

15-January-2017 Sunday
Novice ultrasonographer post

20-May-2016 Friday
State medicine is the joy of life!!!

02-January-2016 Saturday
Do not cash in on the sick, please, how else should you ask?

18-November-2015 Wednesday
Medicine of the 21st century

17-June-2015 Wednesday
Vision at 10 MHz or how sonographers see

27-April-2015 Monday
Hormones, they are

03-January-2014 Friday
Modern ultrasound

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