Mask mode, Moscow

16-August-2022 Tuesday
Rospotrebnadzor recommends returning the mask regime in public places in regions where more than 50 people per 100,000 get sick per week

26-May-2022 Thursday

25-May-2022 Wednesday
Sergei Sobyanin announced an amnesty for covid fines

16-March-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "In Moscow, they will begin to fine for wearing a mask"

15-March-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "In Moscow, they will begin to fine for wearing a mask"

15-March-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "In Moscow, they will begin to fine for wearing a mask"

14-March-2022 Monday
In Moscow, will be fined for wearing a mask

14-March-2022 Monday
Hurrah! Well, at least one good news!

14-March-2022 Monday
In Moscow, the mask regime and other COVID-restrictions were canceled

14-March-2022 Monday
Goodbye masks...

23-November-2021 Tuesday
Who said masks are useless?

20-October-2021 Wednesday
Stay safe, wash your hands and remember that the mask you are wearing is for OTHERS

18-October-2021 Monday
You can still be fined for not wearing gloves

14-October-2021 Thursday
At Shchelkovskaya, a man was stopped and they wanted to fine him for not wearing a mask, but the passenger tore out his passport by force and left

04-October-2021 Monday
They undertook to check specifically: at the Novokosino station they are also fined for the lack of masks

26-June-2021 Saturday
She took off her mask at the MFC due to the fact that she became ill and was accepted in a tough form

26-May-2021 Wednesday
A fine for a mask, or "lawlessness in Moscow" ...
