Ministry of Emergency Situations, Evacuation

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06-April-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “The prosecutor’s office transferred materials on the dam break in Orsk to the Investigative Committee”

04-May-2023 Thursday
Serious landscape fire in the Tyumen region: evacuation underway

21-March-2022 Monday

18-February-2022 Friday
Response to the post "Mass evacuation of civilians of the DPR and LPR to Russia began in Donbass"

18-February-2022 Friday
Vladimir Putin instructed the acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to urgently fly to the Rostov Region in connection with the evacuation of the population in the Donbas

05-February-2019 Tuesday
How quickly we forget about tragedies. Actions of Fitness House employees in an emergency.

30-January-2019 Wednesday
Dear Ministry of Emergency Situations

24-November-2018 Saturday
Moscow threatened to blow up three times in the evening

28-September-2017 Thursday
So the wave reached Irkutsk ...

29-September-2016 Thursday
The Ministry of Emergency Situations has fully prepared underground shelters for the evacuation of residents of Moscow

07-November-2015 Saturday
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is today the largest tour operator

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