People, Russia

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17-May-2013 Friday
A few words about YOUR FAVORITE Sasha Grey...

12-May-2013 Sunday
Where are we heading?

11-May-2013 Saturday
Six and a half ... (boiling)

06-May-2013 Monday
The world is not without good people... / Good people

01-May-2013 Wednesday
For all those who "do something to at least change something" [18+]

23-April-2013 Tuesday
The love of Russians for the amount of freebies, and not for the quality for a fee.

21-April-2013 Sunday

20-April-2013 Saturday
Second World Mind Games.

17-April-2013 Wednesday
Contrary to popular belief.

07-April-2013 Sunday
Here is the payback...

03-April-2013 Wednesday
On the other hand.

02-April-2013 Tuesday
Great Russia!

30-March-2013 Saturday
Metropolitan subway.

24-March-2013 Sunday
It's a shame.

21-March-2013 Thursday
Let's live!

15-March-2013 Friday
Russian youth

13-March-2013 Wednesday
This is not for you to congratulate on March 8!

13-March-2013 Wednesday
Everyone is on heroin

13-March-2013 Wednesday
March 8 prosho

13-March-2013 Wednesday
Pushkin is superfluous here ...

12-March-2013 Tuesday
Problems of equality of women in the film "Alien"

12-March-2013 Tuesday
Dirty run in Kazan (Long post)

11-March-2013 Monday
Panin's last case

06-March-2013 Wednesday
What's happening?

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