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17-March-2013 Sunday
Are there any fans of this band here?

16-March-2013 Saturday
Pure boy gatherings

16-March-2013 Saturday
Gorgeous Joker cosplay *_*

15-March-2013 Friday
Checkmate for apple lovers!

14-March-2013 Thursday
I always do that.

13-March-2013 Wednesday
Let's talk about teachers.

09-March-2013 Saturday

08-March-2013 Friday
This... this is awesome!!))

07-March-2013 Thursday
Stop being sad, just smile! Beware, easy addiction.

07-March-2013 Thursday
Sex Machine!

05-March-2013 Tuesday
People who play heroes of war and money??

05-March-2013 Tuesday
With a flying gait ...

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