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22-May-2013 Wednesday
That will be more correct.

07-May-2013 Tuesday
Today is the 77th anniversary of the formation of the Presidential (Kremlin) Regiment! Congratulations to all pikabushnikov-Kremlin people on the holiday!!!

06-May-2013 Monday
Main border of the country

30-April-2013 Tuesday
Well hold on!

28-April-2013 Sunday
Blacks in Moscow are completely fucked up!

23-April-2013 Tuesday
Apparently, that day is near.

20-April-2013 Saturday
We have our own Kremlin in the city

11-April-2013 Thursday
Eyewitnesses filmed a UFO flying over the Kremlin

08-April-2013 Monday
We wish Navalny bon appetit! The entire internet wants! ;) Especially his supporters! Top it! Let everyone see!

04-April-2013 Thursday
A "relative" from Bryansk came to Putin

05-March-2013 Tuesday
Pearl of Siberia

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