beauty, Nostalgia

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14-May-2019 Tuesday
HVZ Sputnik V-39 1973 Nostalgia

07-February-2019 Thursday
Dream girls: beautiful and epic images of singers from the 80s

14-February-2018 Wednesday
Favorite outfit

22-September-2017 Friday
And yet there was an aesthetic in the old anime

02-July-2017 Sunday
This photo caused a storm of emotions...

10-February-2017 Friday
I could not help but share

16-August-2016 Tuesday
Random photo

09-July-2016 Saturday
Why not"?

23-December-2015 Wednesday
I know that many people will hate me now, but I don't like winter.

22-December-2015 Tuesday
beauty post...

26-May-2015 Tuesday
Belarusian nature

19-April-2014 Saturday
Everything new is well forgotten old. PS my first post. I tried to)

02-April-2014 Wednesday
Interesting Soviet photos.

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Brilliant Soviet photographs.

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