Theft, Media and press

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31-July-2022 Sunday
Investigation into the case of theft of oncology drugs for 12 million rubles in St. Petersburg hospitals has ended

23-April-2022 Saturday
The police took up oncology: you give new cases to doctors! A case of theft of expensive medicines is being investigated

01-April-2022 Friday
Swedish judge dismissed from Supreme Court after stealing sausages

01-February-2022 Tuesday
In the suburbs of Moscow, a man stole a truck for 2 million rubles and handed it over for scrap metal for 117 thousand

22-December-2021 Wednesday
USA: AP reports $ 100 billion stolen from coronavirus funds to support US businesses and citizens

08-November-2021 Monday
Photographer stories. Part 324. What copyright?

30-July-2020 Thursday
The mice ate everything. Misha warehouse chief, Misha food chief, Misha deputy sweater

07-March-2019 Thursday
Gazprom top manager swears at subordinates because of missing gas pipeline

01-March-2019 Friday
In a kindergarten in Kurgan, a woman was robbed while she was changing her child's clothes

20-June-2018 Wednesday
2.6 years in prison for stealing chocolates

21-February-2018 Wednesday
Why I don't like the media

30-November-2017 Thursday
The media stole my video (video evidence, screenshots of the crime)

24-May-2017 Wednesday
They stole everything, hired students: the GPU reported on the features of the development of the e-declaration system.

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