Corruption, investigative committee

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15-March-2018 Thursday
Ex-deputy head of the investigation department, accused of bribery, escaped from house arrest

08-December-2017 Friday
On the areas in which corruption crimes are committed

18-July-2017 Tuesday
In Vologda, the former chief doctor of the city polyclinic was convicted of bribery and abuse of power.

18-July-2017 Tuesday
Former deputy governor of the Altai Territory and his wife found guilty of corruption crimes

13-July-2017 Thursday
About Podolsk wolves in uniform

11-May-2017 Thursday
Chaika canceled the decision to return the case of the ex-head of Rosnano to the TFR

17-April-2017 Monday
Corruption in the Stavropol Territory: the deputy head of the TFR department fell under an article on a bribe

13-April-2017 Thursday
Bastrykin proposed to arrest without trial the accounts of the families of suspected corruption

12-April-2017 Wednesday
How I was at the search or why no one wants to be witnesses

25-December-2016 Sunday
The impudence and lawlessness of the Investigative Committee

15-November-2016 Tuesday
Listen to the new album "On the Bottom"

14-September-2016 Wednesday
Everything, the case can be closed;)

10-September-2016 Saturday
The media learned the details of the search at the colonel of the anti-corruption head office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

31-March-2015 Tuesday
The former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Reimer was accused of embezzling three billion rubles

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