Comments, Professional humor

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27-January-2019 Sunday
I'm a front-ender myself, it's not so simple here...

01-July-2018 Sunday
A restless dream of a marketer

12-November-2017 Sunday
Some professional humor

19-September-2017 Tuesday
When used as directed

21-August-2017 Monday
One chocopai from the league of good, and the other from the league of evil...

17-September-2016 Saturday
When I was a kid, I wanted to be an archaeologist, eh...

12-January-2016 Tuesday
Friendly support

18-November-2015 Wednesday
A bunch of thieves, a stack of garbage

08-April-2015 Wednesday
Somewhere in the group of investigators

11-February-2015 Wednesday
VK comments please

02-February-2015 Monday
But the guns are big!!11!!

29-January-2015 Thursday
Warbos named sleek

24-January-2015 Saturday
Faith in the Emperor

29-December-2014 Monday
Briefly about why I love pikabu.

05-November-2014 Wednesday
Professional humor...

29-October-2014 Wednesday
Comments, such comments

16-October-2014 Thursday
Goblin pleases on again)

23-July-2014 Wednesday
Flashing games

15-March-2014 Saturday
Spock, so calm

19-December-2013 Thursday
Terribly pleased with the comments)

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