Comments, Programming

[7] [2] [1]

19-September-2015 Saturday

01-September-2015 Tuesday
I was looking for video tutorials on layout. The comment made my evening.) Dude on the video, it really can.

31-August-2015 Monday

31-August-2015 Monday
Future of programming)

27-June-2015 Saturday
Programming is...

12-June-2015 Friday
Some kind of professional humor

31-May-2015 Sunday
Comments are great as always.

04-March-2015 Wednesday
Astrophysics news and software bugs

02-March-2015 Monday
One form discussed object cloning in Java

11-February-2015 Wednesday
Full immersion

02-January-2015 Friday
Comments as always deliver)

07-December-2014 Sunday
A young programmer talks about the language of the Internet

28-October-2014 Tuesday
Comments in code

03-October-2014 Friday
Funny comments of programmers to the code

20-September-2014 Saturday
Curse of code

08-August-2014 Friday

07-August-2014 Thursday
Code comments)

31-July-2014 Thursday
We distort

31-July-2014 Thursday
Code comments. Found on the Internet

28-June-2014 Saturday
Programming ingenuity))

08-April-2014 Tuesday
Comments on an article on programming

01-March-2014 Saturday

16-October-2013 Wednesday

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