Comics, Thor

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01-September-2014 Monday
Never skip leg days :D

13-August-2014 Wednesday
Thor: 8-bit

30-July-2014 Wednesday
Thor and Hulk

04-July-2014 Friday
The Tale of Thor's Hammer

15-May-2014 Thursday
Someone will get...

21-April-2014 Monday
Thor doesn't ask for help.

11-March-2014 Tuesday
Thor, Hulk and their creator Stan Lee

28-February-2014 Friday
Comics vs.

24-February-2014 Monday
The most curious bastard in Heimdall

21-February-2014 Friday
You must be really desperate to come to me for help

12-February-2014 Wednesday
Where to start reading Thor comics

09-December-2013 Monday
The tale of how Loki was trolled in the comments

08-December-2013 Sunday
Where is my helmet?

19-November-2013 Tuesday
The view of the artist.

14-November-2013 Thursday
Analysis of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Part 2).

06-November-2013 Wednesday
Analysis of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

28-October-2013 Monday
Funny comments to the freeze-frame "Tor-2"

26-October-2013 Saturday
Thor is a passive-aggressive roommate.

13-October-2013 Sunday

15-September-2013 Sunday
Stan Lee, Hulk and Thor of the 80s.

14-August-2013 Wednesday

20-June-2013 Thursday
Cyber ??Tor

27-May-2013 Monday
Just leave it here

09-March-2013 Saturday
He did it

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