Kiev, Moscow's comsomolets

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12-March-2024 Tuesday
Everyone's talking about Oscar

11-March-2024 Monday
Russian drone, costing 50,000 rubles, destroys American tanks worth 700 million

22-February-2024 Thursday
The Bundestag approved the transfer of long-range weapons to Ukraine: there are nuances

21-February-2024 Wednesday
The number of Europeans who believe in Ukraine’s victory over Russia has collapsed catastrophically

20-February-2024 Tuesday
It turned out what is behind the myth of the “Heavenly Hundred”

07-February-2024 Wednesday
“The dying regime of Zelensky” was suspected of being ready to sacrifice Kharkov: a tragedy for the city

06-February-2024 Tuesday
“The cauldron is starting to boil”: Russian attack aircraft drove the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the “Avdeevka holes”

04-February-2024 Sunday
Putin presented the West with a tough choice: two options for the fate of Ukraine

04-February-2024 Sunday
The words of the Polish president about Crimea upset Zelensky and company beyond belief

02-February-2024 Friday
The West has laid bare its stake in the Zelensky-Zaluzhny conflict

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Medvedev named the reason for the destruction of the Russian Il-76 with prisoners by Kiev

21-January-2024 Sunday
Expert Krapivnik told how to respond to the shelling of Donetsk

21-January-2024 Sunday
Zelensky brazenly responded to Trump about “a little stress”: “It worries me a little”

20-October-2022 Thursday
Continuation of the post "Cessation of assistance to Ukraine in the event of the victory of the Republicans in the midterm elections, is it true or fiction?"

20-October-2022 Thursday
Stopping aid to Ukraine if the Republicans win the midterm elections, true or fiction?

15-May-2020 Friday
Almost 50 babies born to foreigners were found in a Kyiv hotel

14-September-2019 Saturday
Kyiv proposed to connect the Baltic and Black Seas

25-December-2018 Tuesday
The Rada urged "to expel the IMF from the country"

27-September-2018 Thursday
Cars of Russian diplomats poured with sewage in Kyiv

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