11-February-2016 Thursday
02-February-2016 Tuesday
26-January-2016 Tuesday
Cheerful my madhouse
08-January-2016 Friday
Lifehack on paying rent
18-November-2015 Wednesday
Fuck, how many people do not pay for apartments!
17-November-2015 Tuesday
Childhood story
11-November-2015 Wednesday
Everything is relative.
21-August-2015 Friday
Gonna get rich
16-July-2015 Thursday
Monthly in housing and communal services
16-July-2015 Thursday
Savings must be economical
25-June-2015 Thursday
Anti-record at home.
09-June-2015 Tuesday
Here's an ad I saw.
18-April-2015 Saturday
I don’t understand something, or where did 550 rubles come from
20-February-2015 Friday
I will give it back!
11-February-2015 Wednesday
Striking Conclusion
30-August-2014 Saturday
Hand over your husband or son to the Ukrainian Army - you will receive a discount on the rent
18-August-2014 Monday
The harsh truth of life
09-July-2014 Wednesday
Look what a wonderful bill I got this month!
13-June-2014 Friday
Just a joke about a Jew (Caution, maybe a button accordion)
04-March-2014 Tuesday
15-November-2013 Friday
And the truth is a bad prime minister
24-October-2013 Thursday
Russia is a generous soul!
26-July-2013 Friday
How do we pay for neighbors!
16-July-2013 Tuesday
Why so!
24-April-2013 Wednesday
Indebted to the very devil