Capitalism, Communism

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20-May-2015 Wednesday
A secret that no one should know

20-May-2015 Wednesday
I found here a little book published in 1969. The summary smiled...)

13-May-2015 Wednesday
How God spoke

05-May-2015 Tuesday
Communism vs Capitalism

11-April-2015 Saturday
The difference between capitalism and communism. That is why communism is not loved in the West and is not acceptable.

12-January-2015 Monday
Dispute with a friend

10-January-2015 Saturday
Educational program about communism.

23-October-2014 Thursday
1949. The crowd tries to have time to pick up their valuables from the bank before the Communists enter Shanghai

23-August-2014 Saturday
One people. Two countries. Two modes.

20-July-2014 Sunday
Which system is better - communism or fucking capitalism, what do you think?

16-May-2014 Friday
Capitalism, you fucked up in the end!

13-May-2014 Tuesday
Polish joke

14-February-2014 Friday
Communism and Capitalism, pros and cons...

12-February-2014 Wednesday
In the event of a capitalist crisis, break the glass.

01-February-2014 Saturday
And nothing more

05-December-2013 Thursday
This country has been lost!

15-November-2013 Friday
Capitalism VS Socialism

15-November-2013 Friday
Tell me, uncle...

15-November-2013 Friday
For that fought for it and ran

30-July-2013 Tuesday
Smiled =)

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