Kazakhstan, Criminal case

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14-July-2023 Friday
Response to the post "Former chief traffic cop of the Stavropol Territory Safonov will be able to continue to sit on the golden toilet"

05-December-2022 Monday
"I took a knife and stabbed": accused of the death of the father of two children was released in the court of Pavlodar

20-November-2022 Sunday
Response to the post “Kazakhs are Chinese”: A criminal case was opened against a Karaganda woman for insulting”

12-November-2022 Saturday
“Kazakhs are Chinese”: A criminal case was opened against a Karaganda woman for insulting

03-August-2022 Wednesday
In Kazakhstan, the spouses were sentenced to five years in prison for calling to annex part of the country to Russia

31-December-2021 Friday
A petition was launched demanding life imprisonment for the killer Ayazhan Yedilova

07-October-2021 Thursday
And now, the sister of the arrested Abdygapparov says that the police do not put pressure on them and do not extort money from them!

07-October-2021 Thursday
The wife of the arrested Abdygapparov stated about the extortion of 4.5 million dollars from the DP of the city of Almaty

19-August-2021 Thursday
Defender of Russians in Kazakhstan was imprisoned for seven years because of an interview

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