История России, Picture with text
10-June-2021 Thursday
Studying the history of Russia together
07-June-2021 Monday
A bit of history
29-May-2021 Saturday
Confectionery Alexey Abrikosov
25-April-2021 Sunday
Eternal struggle
16-April-2021 Friday
Richelieu and growing up
25-March-2021 Thursday
Comparison of prices in 2000 and 2020
23-March-2021 Tuesday
Comparison of prices in the USA and USSR (according to TIME magazine)
24-January-2021 Sunday
When everyone was just playing around, and he was already done
05-September-2020 Saturday
Provisional Government
05-July-2020 Sunday
Passive peasants, you say?
03-July-2020 Friday
Soviet Society (1969)
02-July-2020 Thursday
Development of capitalism in Russia
30-June-2020 Tuesday
Historical forms of community of people
30-June-2020 Tuesday
Imperialism - the eve of the socialist revolution
30-June-2020 Tuesday
Democracy of a socialist society
28-June-2020 Sunday
How are you doing, heirs?
26-June-2020 Friday
So so so
11-June-2020 Thursday
Eleventh grader
02-April-2020 Thursday
The nicest boy
21-March-2020 Saturday
Coronavirus is a way to get likes and classes
15-April-2019 Monday
Lands that were once Russian
04-October-2017 Wednesday
The guys from the search association "Mius-Front" found the remains of the deceased soldier.
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