Artificial Intelligence, Нейронные сети

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30-May-2017 Tuesday
The computer was taught to remove makeup from photos and tested on celebrities (10 photos)

07-March-2017 Tuesday
Google "taught" artificial intelligence to understand Russian

04-March-2017 Saturday
Artificial intelligence beats the best poker players for the first time

22-October-2016 Saturday
The developer trained a neural network on porn, and then made it generate pictures.

23-August-2016 Tuesday
Combining photos | Neural networks

15-July-2016 Friday
My Thoughts on AI and Neural Networks

14-May-2016 Saturday
The neural network was taught to "recolor" the video

07-April-2016 Thursday
Artificial intelligence and nirvana

06-April-2016 Wednesday
Due to recent technological breakthroughs

05-April-2016 Tuesday
The neural network was taught to color BW pictures.

26-March-2016 Saturday
Neural network software

17-July-2015 Friday
Sleep neural network

11-July-2015 Saturday
Google artificial neural network will protect users from spam (Skynet is close!)

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Neural networks are such neural networks ... Pron through the eyes of artificial intelligence.

21-June-2015 Sunday
Pictures painted by neural networks

14-June-2015 Sunday
The program learns to play games on Dandy

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