Climate change, Politics

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18-October-2023 Wednesday
2013 cover of The Economist

24-April-2023 Monday
Global Issues: How the Pandemic, Climate Change and Inequality Affect the World Today

20-November-2022 Sunday
UN adopts historic climate damages pact

14-September-2022 Wednesday
Blood on the pavement and bare chest: how hundreds of thousands of people protest to save the planet from a climate catastrophe

10-February-2022 Thursday
Greta Thunberg approves

10-February-2022 Thursday
Did the fool come to Germany?

08-October-2021 Friday
Google shuts down monetization of climate change denial video content

27-February-2021 Saturday
Climate change: carbon emissions on the verge of a "safe threshold"

16-December-2019 Monday
Ukraine has improved its position in the ranking of the fight against global warming

27-November-2019 Wednesday
Thousands of farmers on tractors paralyzed traffic in the center of Berlin

10-August-2019 Saturday
The forecaster assessed the likelihood of the use of climate weapons in Russia

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