Snake, From the network

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14-March-2021 Sunday
Peter dumped, sort it out yourself

05-December-2020 Saturday
What I fought for ...

12-October-2020 Monday
I don’t even know what to call this composition ... “Strangler of snakes”? So that's not how it's done. "Snake love"?

22-September-2020 Tuesday
Oh, hi!

03-August-2020 Monday
"Lithuanian" snake

11-March-2020 Wednesday
The Cobra effect is a state in which the solution chosen to fix a problem only makes it worse.

03-October-2019 Thursday
snake with two heads

17-September-2019 Tuesday
Snakes are no worse than cat children.

23-April-2019 Tuesday
Bravery and stupidity

19-August-2018 Sunday
Nothing out of the ordinary, just...

18-June-2018 Monday
Yeah, they fight))))

21-August-2017 Monday
Medicine symbol

14-January-2017 Saturday
More about Australia

13-January-2017 Friday
Pickups, to the rescue

02-October-2016 Sunday
Comic about snakes

23-October-2015 Friday
8...0 days without snakes brought home.

14-September-2014 Sunday
Keimada Grande.

04-July-2014 Friday
"Working in an abandoned house... Nearly had a heart attack..."

21-June-2013 Friday
There was no evolution.

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