Health, Society

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16-September-2016 Friday
WHO: 10 million people will die by 2050 due to antibiotic resistance

03-September-2016 Saturday
Scientists called the consequences of taking antibiotics for children

23-August-2016 Tuesday
It became known how you can restore the brain after a stroke

16-August-2016 Tuesday
New ambulances launched in the regions

05-August-2016 Friday
In the Bryansk region, due to pollution, there was a mass death of flora and fauna on the Sev River

19-July-2016 Tuesday
Onishchenko: "erasing reality" in Pokemon Go can affect the psyche

07-July-2016 Thursday
The HRC and the Civic Chamber suggested that the government develop a long-term program to combat noise pollution in cities

01-June-2016 Wednesday
New Artek to open in Ukraine

28-May-2016 Saturday
Doctors call for postponement of Olympics due to Zika virus

27-May-2016 Friday
In the US, scientists managed to find a superbug that is resistant to antibiotics

20-May-2016 Friday
Scientists for the first time were able to defeat HIV

19-May-2016 Thursday
Examining naked women's breasts prolongs men's lives - scientists

26-July-2015 Sunday
About helping children

21-May-2015 Thursday
Be healthy!

11-December-2014 Thursday
Which is better wine or beer?

18-November-2014 Tuesday
Picabushniks are Muscovites, I need help, I won’t remain in debt ...

22-August-2014 Friday
A little about GMOs

21-July-2014 Monday
So what is WTF?

21-September-2013 Saturday
I smoked for 9 months, most of it was not in puff, that is, not in the lungs, now I quit, tell me, do I have a chance not to get cancer?

02-September-2013 Monday
10 amazing scientific and psychological effects

04-August-2013 Sunday
For the first time in Moscow, a race to the top of one of the tallest skyscrapers in the world will take place

17-May-2013 Friday
Cry from the heart

09-May-2013 Thursday
Women's logic ...

19-March-2013 Tuesday
How much is enough for me?

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