Law, Protocol

07-August-2024 Wednesday
A protocol on the absence of foreign agent markings was drawn up against one of the co-authors of the law on foreign agents.

26-April-2024 Friday
Five police officers in Moscow came under scrutiny for flushing marked banknotes down the toilet

29-January-2024 Monday
The CEC is now obliged to remove from elections candidates who have had at least one administrative offense in 15 years

18-December-2022 Sunday
Need help presiding over council

23-September-2022 Friday
Significant violations in the protocol. How to recognize a protocol as inadmissible evidence

09-May-2021 Sunday
Resolution or protocol. The driver chooses, not the traffic police inspector

19-October-2020 Monday
How to talk to a police officer correctly: everyone should know this

27-July-2018 Friday
Now traffic violations by pedestrians in Uzbekistan are recorded in an electronic protocol
