Vital, Instructive

[56] [2] [1]

22-November-2022 Tuesday
Reply to the post "What happens or occurs much less often than we think"

21-November-2022 Monday
Which is much more dangerous than it seems at first glance

21-November-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "What kind of work exists only because we are stupid"

21-November-2022 Monday
What do people think is special or unique about themselves, but isn't?

19-November-2022 Saturday
What did they come up with just to annoy people?

16-November-2022 Wednesday
People, what do you deceive yourself in every day?

16-November-2022 Wednesday
What made your life so much better and you wish you had done it sooner

16-October-2022 Sunday
What facts are few people aware of?

15-October-2022 Saturday
What do you hide from your soul mates so as not to upset them?

12-October-2022 Wednesday
What tips seem useless at first glance, but actually work?

02-December-2015 Wednesday
A twisted story))

04-November-2015 Wednesday
A very precise definition of corruption.

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Stories from life.

05-March-2014 Wednesday
family trip

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