Vital, Informative

[71] [2] [1]

12-October-2022 Wednesday
I am the tallest person in the USA. I will answer your questions

11-October-2022 Tuesday
For two years I was a hostage in Iraq. Ask questions

10-October-2022 Monday
I did 18 years for a murder I didn't commit. I will answer your questions

09-October-2022 Sunday
Guys, what kind of birthday gifts are you dreaming of?

09-October-2022 Sunday
Imagine that life is a computer game. What hints should pop up when loading?

23-August-2022 Tuesday
Continuation of the post "Extremely important information, where to run with sudden injuries and ailments (spoiler: not always to the emergency room)"

22-August-2022 Monday
Extremely important information on where to run with sudden injuries and illnesses (spoiler: not always to the emergency room)

14-February-2021 Sunday
About how I went to die and how I was thrown by all my friends and whoever is possible. And how he stayed in hell forever

22-August-2019 Thursday
Mobile application that will replace all sources of information

02-December-2018 Sunday
"Bitochki" with a taste of sadness.

27-March-2015 Friday
Marketing move

[71] [2] [1]
