Women, Court

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05-March-2021 Friday
Monstrous racism. Amazon sued in US on suspicion of racial and gender discrimination

09-February-2021 Tuesday
Everything is obvious

11-September-2020 Friday
Reply to Zse279 in “From the Women’s Forum”

10-September-2020 Thursday
Reply to the post “From the women's forum”

24-August-2020 Monday
Case in court

20-August-2020 Thursday
A woman without a mask came to court for not wearing a mask and... received a second fine

10-May-2020 Sunday
Why do women always side with women in courts?

02-July-2019 Tuesday

12-September-2018 Wednesday
A woman can, but the police can't?!

18-October-2017 Wednesday
Burnt at work: in Kurgan, a woman painter burned her face with a flame

13-February-2017 Monday
How not to sleep with your mistress because of Uber

01-November-2016 Tuesday
Woman wants 20 million from KFC for an incomplete bucket

05-January-2015 Monday
You never know what they want

23-July-2013 Tuesday
The paradoxical nature of women's logic is unpredictable!

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