Есенин Сергей
14-November-2018 Wednesday
Rubric "I didn't say that".
23-August-2018 Thursday
At the end. Or what is sometimes on your mind
30-August-2017 Wednesday
Poetic dilemma
19-August-2017 Saturday
Sergei Yesenin - Letter to mother
14-July-2017 Friday
Sergei Yesenin in his youth)
02-January-2017 Monday
-And tell me - a rhyme to Grandfather Frost!
02-October-2016 Sunday
121 years since the birth of S.A. Yesenin
29-May-2016 Sunday
New graffiti from street art artists HoodGraff
28-January-2016 Thursday
17-August-2015 Monday
Strong and beautiful words, for all time!
09-June-2015 Tuesday
Interesting performance of Yesenin
03-October-2014 Friday
Today, October 3rd, is Esenin's Seryozhka's birthday.
13-June-2014 Friday
Everyone loves Yesenin.
08-March-2014 Saturday
Happy spring!
28-January-2014 Tuesday
Poem Black Man - S.A. Yesenin (read by Sergey Bezrukov) (music by Clint Mansell - Winter: Lux Aeterna)