Egypt, Pharaoh

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06-February-2018 Tuesday
It seems my friend is the ruler of Egypt

11-December-2017 Monday
What is depicted on the money of Egypt?

13-September-2017 Wednesday
The question of faith, religion and in general.

13-March-2017 Monday
Huge 3000-year-old statue of Ramesses II found by archaeologists in the slums of the capital of Egypt

03-January-2016 Sunday
Call to the restaurant.

14-September-2015 Monday
There is something in this.

03-August-2015 Monday
The mystical curse of Tutankhamun. In the tomb there was a tablet with the inscription: "The pitchfork of death will pierce anyone who disturbs the rest of the pharaoh."

23-April-2015 Thursday
Pharaoh of the "new type" Nefrusebek

10-March-2015 Tuesday
What do people think when they find out that I am from Egypt

06-March-2015 Friday
Pyramid of Userkaf

05-March-2015 Thursday
The Majesty of the Egyptian Ruins

24-January-2015 Saturday
pseudo-scientific masturbation

04-January-2015 Sunday
Sysadmin after fixing a crashed server

29-December-2014 Monday
Shales of Tutankhamen.

20-October-2014 Monday
One of the most famous pharaohs is Tutankhamun.

01-July-2014 Tuesday
The title should be short...

01-May-2014 Thursday
"how the pyramids were built" / based on

30-December-2013 Monday
A little about pharaohs...

29-December-2013 Sunday
Egyptian folk art

01-November-2013 Friday
Mystery of mummies revealed :)

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