Unified State Exam, Politics

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21-March-2018 Wednesday
A liberal without a donation is not a liberal!

23-January-2018 Tuesday
How gypsies passed the exam

01-August-2017 Tuesday
How to challenge the results of the exam explained the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

13-June-2017 Tuesday
When burned spurs on the exam

08-December-2016 Thursday
Teachers complained about non-payment of compensation for the exam

27-September-2016 Tuesday
Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation?

24-July-2016 Sunday
They need more

09-July-2016 Saturday
Sergey Mikheev on the legalization of same-sex marriages in the USA

01-July-2016 Friday
Anatoly Wasserman in the State Duma would have canceled the exam and introduced the death penalty

17-June-2016 Friday
But the truth can direct forces not on the future, but on today.

09-June-2016 Thursday
Have you come to your senses?! Revival of classical national education at school.

09-June-2016 Thursday
Unified State Exam)

08-November-2015 Sunday
Chronicle of the diving government - how to pass the exam

14-September-2015 Monday
Where do migrants come from?

06-August-2015 Thursday
Rosobrnadzor to test USE in Chinese in 2016

22-December-2014 Monday
I don't like peek-a-boo politics myself, but "give me back my 2007" in the trial exam in mathematics associated with the euro exchange rate made me post this

29-November-2014 Saturday
About sore

09-June-2014 Monday
The average USE score in the Russian language fell to 62.5

14-November-2013 Thursday
Education in the USSR

23-July-2013 Tuesday
A little about politics

01-June-2013 Saturday
What do you think of the USE?

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