Training, Dog training

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28-March-2019 Thursday
Teaching a dog to catch toys on the fly

03-March-2019 Sunday
For pit bull lovers!

24-January-2019 Thursday
Contact with a dog.

17-January-2019 Thursday
Contact with a dog.

14-January-2019 Monday
About the dangers of a harness in the protective section

10-January-2019 Thursday
On the role of emotions in relationships with a dog

03-January-2019 Thursday
Contact with a dog.

16-December-2018 Sunday
How to train your dog not to pick up from the ground

18-November-2018 Sunday
Separation Anxiety Disorder in Dogs

16-October-2018 Tuesday
IPO and real protection

18-September-2018 Tuesday
What to read about dogs for a novice trainer

17-April-2018 Tuesday
What to do if a puppy bites you?

18-January-2018 Thursday
Need advice

21-June-2017 Wednesday
As you call the ship - so it will float or difficulties of character

30-December-2016 Friday
Dog training (dog family member)

18-November-2016 Friday
The dog took up self-education

28-October-2016 Friday
Re-education of an adult dog

18-December-2015 Friday
Raising a dog.

03-October-2014 Friday
For everyone who got a dog for the first time, I share an excellent channel about education and training!

07-September-2014 Sunday
Educational problems, or the dog is not to blame. Part one.

24-May-2014 Saturday
Need some advice !!!

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