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22-April-2013 Monday
Daughter, look what I'll show you.

17-April-2013 Wednesday
WIFI everyone, I'm crying!

10-April-2013 Wednesday
Balancing egg.

02-April-2013 Tuesday
Another nominee for the "Father of the Year" award.

31-March-2013 Sunday
Found an old photo of my daughter...

23-March-2013 Saturday
composed for my mother ... what do you say? interested in your opinion)

22-March-2013 Friday
Happinnes exists!

22-March-2013 Friday
Hayley Jade Mathers (Eminem's daughter)...Then and Now

16-March-2013 Saturday
"The Captain's Kidney" Long post, but worth reading!

09-March-2013 Saturday
Meet. My daughter Agatha! =)))

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