Donald Trump, Coronavirus

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03-April-2020 Friday
COVID-19 pandemic: war against a common enemy

02-April-2020 Thursday
Bloomberg learned about a US intelligence report about China's underestimation of data on the virus

01-April-2020 Wednesday
I drew new hares. Quarantine is... being careful when going out

01-April-2020 Wednesday
Trump considers less than 200 thousand deaths from coronavirus a good forecast for the United States

31-March-2020 Tuesday
Trump spoke about the plane with help from the Russian Federation to fight coronavirus

30-March-2020 Monday
Trump called the death of 200 thousand Americans from coronavirus a good achievement. More than 2.2 million may die

29-March-2020 Sunday
Trump plans to abandon the fight against coronavirus

28-March-2020 Saturday
Trump signed a law allocating $2 trillion to help states, companies and citizens in connection with the coronavirus epidemic

26-March-2020 Thursday
Trump awaiting coronavirus results...

26-March-2020 Thursday
The reaction of the chief infectious disease specialist of the United States to the words of Donald Trump

25-March-2020 Wednesday
Trump calls on US citizens to go to work to save the economy

25-March-2020 Wednesday
Reply to the post “I had a fever over the weekend...”

24-March-2020 Tuesday
Antimalarial drug will be distributed in the US to treat coronavirus

24-March-2020 Tuesday
Women give birth to new ones...

22-March-2020 Sunday
Coronavirus and quarantine in UZ!

21-March-2020 Saturday
Everything is captured

19-March-2020 Thursday
Changed my shoes

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