Doctor Who, Rose Tyler

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07-June-2016 Tuesday
Notes of a young fan of RTD - "Father's Day"

06-June-2016 Monday
Notes of a young RTD fan - "The Long Game"

04-June-2016 Saturday
Notes of a young RTD fan - "Dalek"

03-June-2016 Friday
Notes of a young fan of RTD - "Aliens in London / Third World War"

03-June-2016 Friday
Notes of a young RTD fan - "Restless Dead"

01-June-2016 Wednesday
Notes of a young RTD fan - "Doomsday"

01-June-2016 Wednesday
Notes of a young RTD fan - "Rose"

30-January-2016 Saturday
"OR#7": Rose Tyler vs Amy Pond

05-January-2016 Tuesday
Cut three of the coolest Dalek scenes from Doctor Who s01e06.

05-August-2015 Wednesday
Brief retelling of season 1 episode 1 of Doctor Who

16-June-2015 Tuesday
one day...

28-February-2015 Saturday
Liked the dialogue

29-October-2014 Wednesday
When you're really sad.

29-June-2014 Sunday
Rose Tyler

08-June-2014 Sunday
10 Doctor and Rose Tyler

11-May-2014 Sunday
I'm watching the Doctor here and...

23-February-2014 Sunday
Companions of the Doctor. Part 1. Rose Tyler.

20-February-2014 Thursday
Main point of season 3

12-February-2014 Wednesday
Rose Tyler and Dalek play pranks

07-February-2014 Friday
And how do you like that?

16-January-2014 Thursday
Bad Wolf

05-October-2013 Saturday
the Rose

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