Design, Russia

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10-November-2014 Monday
"Masterpieces" of design art

31-October-2014 Friday
Great design for a liquor store

07-October-2014 Tuesday
Now I know who exactly will go to the Nobel Prize in design. T. Ld. Quiet b. Sho. Yarixia CDsSA aa-

10-September-2014 Wednesday
Russia logo approved!

21-August-2014 Thursday
Creative charm of military radar

31-July-2014 Thursday
Yes, okay, very scary?

17-July-2014 Thursday
New card :)

12-July-2014 Saturday
Just a notebook that my grandmother once gave me

11-July-2014 Friday
Rota jeepeg

08-July-2014 Tuesday
New Russian tram

08-July-2014 Tuesday
Preview of the new Russian tram

04-June-2014 Wednesday
Russian to the core

19-May-2014 Monday
Crimean pharmacy to your feed

01-May-2014 Thursday

25-April-2014 Friday
They ordered us to somehow arrange the store "Household Goods"

12-April-2014 Saturday
T-90MS - militaristic progress;)))

28-March-2014 Friday
New Russia

15-March-2014 Saturday
From the cycle "I'm sorry, but you live in Russia"

09-February-2014 Sunday
Severe domestic design

08-February-2014 Saturday
The sofa was boring

03-February-2014 Monday
The right cosmetic bag

18-January-2014 Saturday
Now it is clear what the designers of the Olympic flame drank! :)

11-January-2014 Saturday
NEFT Vodka

05-November-2013 Tuesday
Roisya and beznesmeny.

12-July-2013 Friday
Contest "Paint the Aeroflot plane".

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