Children, Speech therapist

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12-July-2018 Thursday
You should see a speech therapist

22-April-2018 Sunday
On the defects of children's speech.

15-November-2017 Wednesday
Speech therapists in kindergartens

15-May-2017 Monday
"Miracle" speech therapist from Ekibaztuz. What a dubious method of teaching, to be honest.

13-April-2017 Thursday
Hayats - sounds proud

08-March-2017 Wednesday
Good job speech pathologist

27-January-2017 Friday
Gratitude to the new President of the United States

27-December-2016 Tuesday
About how my sister began to pronounce "R"

23-September-2016 Friday
Fiction effects

14-September-2016 Wednesday

13-August-2016 Saturday
On the wave of posts about pedagogy.

08-August-2016 Monday
Useful advice!

24-September-2015 Thursday
Itself will pass

19-June-2015 Friday
Here is a zoo.

05-May-2015 Tuesday
Obscene animal

28-February-2015 Saturday
Everyday speech therapist..

23-January-2015 Friday
Got out!

21-April-2014 Monday
At the speech therapist

15-March-2014 Saturday
Child at the speech therapist

08-December-2013 Sunday
friend said)

01-May-2013 Wednesday
New generation

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