Children, Dna-test

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06-December-2019 Friday
DNA test and friendship

09-November-2019 Saturday
My wife doesn't believe me. Divorce?

08-November-2019 Friday
DNA testing at birth is already a reality for all citizens. But not with us.

30-September-2019 Monday
For a talk show on a federal channel, stories with DNA are needed

01-August-2018 Wednesday
DNA analysis

01-August-2018 Wednesday
Disputing paternity

21-April-2018 Saturday
Women's comments on the post about the fact that the Duma is considering a bill on the introduction of a mandatory DNA test when assigning alimony

26-February-2018 Monday
Again about the DNA test

23-February-2018 Friday
About life, DNA and "trailer"

23-February-2018 Friday
About DNA

22-February-2018 Thursday

21-February-2018 Wednesday
We are known xD

20-February-2018 Tuesday
Sea captain and DNA paternity test.

19-February-2018 Monday
DNA test ruined girl's life

09-November-2017 Thursday
People's opinions

24-August-2017 Thursday
About the deception of the "fathers" who consider themselves ..... fathers.

24-August-2017 Thursday
When she chose a lover not like her husband.

19-August-2017 Saturday
The child is not from her husband - your opinion

20-January-2017 Friday
How I beat my husband.

20-March-2016 Sunday
Real man: "I don't care!"

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