Democracy, Media and press

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17-March-2022 Thursday
Democratic and independent media in action

15-March-2022 Tuesday
Crisis and collapse of the world economy. How did it all start?

10-March-2022 Thursday
Latvian Parliament approves punishment for WATCHING Russian TV channels

20-December-2021 Monday
WHO confirmed the danger of omicron-strain for vaccinated and recovered

29-September-2021 Wednesday
Response to the post “YouTube permanently deleted two German RT channels - RT DE and Der Fehlende Part (DFP)”

06-May-2021 Thursday
Guardian: “more dangerous than Russia and China” - the world continues to consider the United States the main threat to democracy

12-July-2019 Friday
About holy America and about the fact that no one lies there

01-April-2018 Sunday
The media in unison (in the literal sense) are driven to Social networks

13-April-2017 Thursday
Media: in Libya, slaves are openly traded in the markets.

23-November-2016 Wednesday
Slutsky threatened Europe with counter-sanctions in response to censorship of Russian media

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