Grandfather, Animal Rescue

29-August-2024 Thursday
Greetings from my grandfather's cat, whom I took in a strong minus 10 months ago from a magnet

08-June-2024 Saturday
Greetings from my grandfather’s cat, whom I adopted in a strong minus 6 months ago from a magnet

18-May-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “I have a new cat Grandfather II from the dachas. He came to me thin, with arthritic paws. Old, not sociable, loves warmth and food"

26-April-2024 Friday
Continuation of the post “I have a new cat Grandfather II from the dachas. He came to me thin, with arthritic paws. Old, not sociable, loves warmth and food"

08-February-2024 Thursday
I have a new cat Grandfather II from the dachas. He came to me thin, with arthritic paws. Old, not sociable, loves warmth and food
