Duplicity, Politics

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09-July-2017 Sunday
A bit about liberal freedom of speech

20-May-2017 Saturday
In/In Ukraine or the path 404 to greatness

17-May-2017 Wednesday

16-May-2017 Tuesday
If a Ukrainian patriot is not allowed, but really wants to

03-April-2017 Monday
How about...

18-February-2017 Saturday
About moralfags and braces

21-June-2016 Tuesday
"Sovereignty and territorial integrity of states" according to NATO

24-January-2016 Sunday
Such different criticisms.

23-January-2016 Saturday
The importance of changing shoes on time

16-December-2015 Wednesday
Skirmish between Avakov and Saakashvili (video)

24-November-2015 Tuesday
Meet the two-faced Rejep.

12-October-2015 Monday
Briefly about Turkey's fight against ISIS

12-October-2015 Monday
Two-faced US policy

26-August-2015 Wednesday
Powder clockwork classic

07-August-2015 Friday
The essence of shit.

18-April-2015 Saturday
What about children in Donbass?

03-December-2014 Wednesday

14-October-2014 Tuesday
Two-faced Avacus

10-October-2014 Friday
Someone asked for a policy post

02-September-2014 Tuesday
Developer duplicity

08-April-2014 Tuesday
Duplicity and hypocrisy of people on Peekaboo.

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