date, Anniversary

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19-January-2016 Tuesday
20 years ago, on January 19, 1996, the cult film by Robert Rodriguez "From Dusk Till Dawn" was released on US screens.

16-January-2016 Saturday
Four triplets! Yes, today is my birthday. :)

05-November-2015 Thursday
If you know a little history, then you can guess what will be shown on TV by the next significant date.

28-October-2015 Wednesday
Happy anniversary to me :)

17-August-2015 Monday
Hellish Peekaboo, Happy Anniversary!

13-July-2015 Monday
Congratulations on a beautiful date

31-March-2015 Tuesday
decided to look at the profile for the first time

28-March-2015 Saturday
Congratulations! I have a round date :)

16-February-2015 Monday
Exactly 1 year 1 month 1 day I am in your ranks!

09-February-2015 Monday
Guys, happy birthday to me.

31-January-2015 Saturday
Happy Holidays !!!

11-November-2014 Tuesday
Happy Peekaboo Day to me!

28-October-2014 Tuesday
Big day in the life of a "little" person

25-October-2014 Saturday
And I have an anniversary)))

18-October-2014 Saturday
Happy Anniversary

10-October-2014 Friday
every year it gets worse and worse...

24-September-2014 Wednesday
OneYearOneMonthOneWeekOneDay =)

15-August-2014 Friday
Briefly about where I'm spending my second summer :)

24-June-2014 Tuesday
The VCR is 50 years old!

10-February-2014 Monday
10 000

23-January-2014 Thursday
Today is one year since I've been smoke-free :)

29-September-2013 Sunday
September 29 - 170 years since the birth of the "White General" Mikhail Skobelev

15-July-2013 Monday
Yes, it's my birthday today!

04-July-2013 Thursday
Three units ^^

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