Грушевского, Kiev

18-February-2014 Tuesday
Did they forget about the Maidan with the Olympics?

18-February-2014 Tuesday
Well done Berkut!

18-February-2014 Tuesday
Kyiv right now

30-January-2014 Thursday
Childhood began to play

27-January-2014 Monday
Brutal dispersal of Euromaidan in Dnepropetrovsk

27-January-2014 Monday
Dwarves of Eribor

23-January-2014 Thursday
What the fuck?

23-January-2014 Thursday
Kyiv, 22.01-22.03

22-January-2014 Wednesday
Another post about Kyiv.

21-January-2014 Tuesday
On the other side of the barricades

21-January-2014 Tuesday
Molotov cocktail is on fire, Berkut too

20-January-2014 Monday
give me the ring, Herods

20-January-2014 Monday
Gondor reminded)) I have no rights to embed the video, sorry :P

20-January-2014 Monday
Morning in Kyiv

20-January-2014 Monday
Evening Kyiv, part 3. Morning after the night riot
