Traffic cop, Mat

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29-May-2021 Saturday
Reasons for fast city driving

21-August-2020 Friday
Reply to the post “How to get license in”

09-October-2019 Wednesday
Wolves and sheep or a story about how to become guilty in an accident while in a parked car

05-September-2019 Thursday
Guys, in short, there are traffic cops from everywhere

23-August-2019 Friday
Passing the exam in the traffic police

25-June-2019 Tuesday
God saves the safe

17-April-2019 Wednesday

18-February-2018 Sunday
Motorcycles Traffic cops and Helmets

07-June-2017 Wednesday

07-December-2016 Wednesday
Get the fuck out of the traffic cop

10-March-2016 Thursday
Gay protection

16-April-2015 Thursday
You're not an inspector, you're fucking in uniform!

10-March-2015 Tuesday
Cunning cop.

04-February-2015 Wednesday
traffic police exam

20-September-2014 Saturday
DPS Sysert. How they talk to people

28-November-2013 Thursday
Profession costs

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