Military establishment, NATO

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21-July-2022 Thursday
Is there any discrediting of the armed forces of the Russian Federation?

14-June-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Zelensky is Putin's agent"

04-June-2022 Saturday
Military observer of Novaya Gazeta * Valery Shiryaev assessed the position of the RF Armed Forces on the fronts of Ukraine

03-May-2022 Tuesday
Pope Francis admitted that NATO plays a negative role in the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis

23-April-2022 Saturday
Did Ukraine get what it wanted? Security guarantees and weapons. India, Turkey and Russian gas

23-April-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "Harsh realities about the possible outbreak of World War 3"

23-April-2022 Saturday
Harsh realities about the possible outbreak of World War 3

22-March-2022 Tuesday
Betrayal of the West. No one will help Ukrainians anymore

21-March-2022 Monday
The EU will create a rapid reaction force of 5 thousand troops for rapid action in various crisis situations

28-February-2022 Monday
For those who have not yet understood from what scum the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation right now are cleaning up the long-suffering Ukraine!

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Just listen: Sergei Akhromeyev on the policy of the United States and NATO towards the USSR. 1989 year

22-January-2022 Saturday
Ukrainian Manual for the Use of NLAW Anti-Tank Missile Systems

30-September-2019 Monday
Report on the transfer of troops to Europe.

21-July-2015 Tuesday
The largest NATO exercises began in Lviv

01-April-2015 Wednesday
Russia is preparing a plan "Barbarossa-2"

07-August-2014 Thursday
Comparison: military potential of NATO and BRICS (Russia, Brazil, India, China, South Africa)

18-July-2014 Friday
Expert: The fall of "Boeing is a well-planned provocation"

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