War, Scotland

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11-March-2022 Friday
Response to the post "The Last Scotsman"

11-March-2022 Friday
The Last Scotsman

06-March-2022 Sunday
Battle of Falkirk July 22, 1298 The English begin and win

23-August-2021 Monday
Under the Shade of St. Andrew's Cross: Scottish Mercenaries in the Middle Ages

23-August-2021 Monday
Good Neighbors: The Bloody Feuds of the Scottish Clans

22-August-2021 Sunday
Steel, gunpowder and fury: Scottish mercenaries of the age of lance and musket - the end

22-August-2021 Sunday
Steel, gunpowder and fury: Scottish mercenaries in the age of lance and musket

16-August-2021 Monday
Blood and Tears: The Battle of Harlow in 1411

09-May-2021 Sunday
Guryev Arsenty Pavlovich. Feat

22-March-2021 Monday
A Brief History of Clan Douglas. Part 14

08-May-2020 Friday
We don’t know how my Great-Grandfather died

02-March-2020 Monday
Post #7263655

31-January-2020 Friday
“Big jackpot” in Scottish: how royal heirlooms were saved

04-September-2019 Wednesday
Scots vs Cats

02-August-2019 Friday
The Massacre That Decided Britain's Fate: The Battle of Nechtansmeer

06-February-2019 Wednesday
Freedom of Scotland, or How a five-century history of struggle connected the Scots and the British

09-December-2018 Sunday
Robert the Bruce - King of Scotland

07-December-2018 Friday
On the importance of ingenuity in war

05-December-2018 Wednesday
How to trade independence for 5 oscars. Part 2

03-December-2018 Monday
How to trade independence for 5 oscars. Part 1

20-November-2018 Tuesday
William Wallace

02-February-2018 Friday
Ingenious solution

11-September-2014 Thursday
Scottish referendum?

08-September-2014 Monday
Freedom for Scotland!

07-January-2014 Tuesday
Warriors of the British Isles.

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